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Early Detection And Actions

COVID-19: What to Do If You Test Positive

Early Detection and Actions

Knowing what to do when you test positive for COVID-19 is crucial for your health and the well-being of your community. Understanding the importance of timely actions can help you navigate this uncertain situation effectively.

Steps to Take After a Positive Test

  1. Get tested: If you experience COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to someone who tested positive, get tested as soon as possible using an at-home rapid antigen test or PCR test.
  2. Isolate immediately: If you test positive, isolate yourself from others to prevent spreading the virus. Stay home and avoid contact with people outside your household.
  3. Seek medical attention: If you develop severe symptoms such as shortness of breath, confusion, or chest pain, seek immediate medical attention.
  4. Inform your close contacts: Reach out to anyone you have been in close contact with within the past 48 hours and let them know that you tested positive.
  5. Follow your doctor's instructions: Your doctor will provide guidance on how to manage your symptoms, whether you need specific medications, and when you can expect to return to normal activities.
